Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Last Thursday of October

So here we are on Thursday.. I tried NOT to blog JUST SO I would have something decent to contribute. Which I still don't and probably never had, but !

I am still pretty on fire from the Jeremy Camp concert. We sat in on his "Conversations" segment pre-show and met him-- He was amazing. I am a fan. And his concert was fantastic, also. Really turned up your worship, if you will.

I need some prayer. (Surprise!) I am really struggling with my christian attitude at work. I have some conflict with my boss-- and I need to rise above. Easier said then done.

Things at church are really coming along. We cleaned out the craft closet at church.. (three hours later) we unearthed a plethora of Children's Church goodness. Flannagrams, whole sets of activity books, tons of craft goodies, you name it-- we have it. And as of today- it is organized to the hilt. After 4 dumpster loads. Ouch! So next Sunday the 31st kicks us off. And I am excited. I have the first week and we have 3 other volunteers and 2 alternates for this quarter. (I know.. we aren't actually IN the beginning of a quarter, but ..) All I need is some snacks and we are on point! We have 2 girls, (my Kynsi and her bff Layla) but that is what we are in this for. Bringing in the masses. Well, maybe a mass. Or maybe a gaggle.. a group? Whatever the Lord says is our order!

We have our first visit to Appalachian Bible scheduled. We are leaving late Thursday the 11th-- like 6ish and driving straight through. 5.5 hours, door to door. We will meet with financial aid, and housing, as well as tour the campus and just in general nose around. We are excited. We have not mentioned a thing of this to Kynsi- any ideas on how to/when to break the news? I guess since it isn't definite yet, not break the news.. but uncertainty is no good to a 5 year old, so I am wondering how to explain the visit. Ideas, welcome. :)

In anticipation of our trip I am typing up exams and things for Pitts to submit to Andersonville-- he has been dong these Bible courses by going online for the assignments and he intended to submit all the exams at once-- well, once is now. And he has them all written in a notebook and guess who gets to type them since her Preacher In Training is so busy? You got it. :) So I am furiously typing in and up questions and summaries.. what a trip. But, I am really learning a lot from entering his exams and answers in. So there is always a bright side. And Pitts is so perfect he rarely needs help with anything. So actually doing something FOR him is nice.

Mckynsi Lane is going through something about now. I think it is.. growing up.. or something. But she is tuning me out a bit. I am finding myself repeating things to her a lot more frequently than I'd prefer. She actually had  a Time Out, yesterday. What!? Yes. Wow. She just thinks she can do things her way and totally disregard me. at 5.

This weekend is Trick-or-Treat weekend. Also on the docket is family picture weekend. Last year when we did these in October, little did WE know there was an extra family member in the shot. What a laugh! lad there is NO chance of that this year..

Happy Thursday!

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