This morning, we had a breakthrough.
(Back story- I think Mckynsi is PERFECT- she slept through the night at 3 weeks, never spat up, perfect in all ways.. she wasn't even sick until she was like 4)
I got up with Luke to feed him at 5am- he dozed back off- When he was fully asleep, he began to giggle. Adorable. He has only giggled like 3 times in his life. All within the last week and a half. Maybe he does like me.
This weekend was a good one. Friday night Pitts had to work the peanut fest for the Gideon ministry. I had dinner with the folks. It was a fun filled evening of Kynsi's newest rental (RETURN TO REDBOX, LP!!) laughing and forgetting milk in Mom's fridge. Womp, womp. Pitts, sure as the world, went and picked it up after his long day. Yay Pitts. Early evening because I knew I had to get up, be presentable and have the kids presentable early the following morning.
My Saturday began at 5am. Typical. I had to leave the house before 7 to meet the ladies of the Gideon Auxillary by 8 am, it was our yearly luncheon.
(Back story- We live in Ivor, at least a 45 minutes drive to Everywhere.)
Well, Pitts had a mens' prayer breakfast and he took the kids with him. Admirable effort for the Mckynsi who is everything BUT a morning person.. (he never has trouble with her.. psht!) and the Luke. Who at 3 months is still pretty unpredictable. I left in time to be 'adorable' in a cardigan, and 'me' in heels, and stop by the grocery store to grab two frozen pies (one day I'll be That Girl in a sweet cardigan, heels, and a homemade pie. One day.) and be 7 minutes early. Well, I knock on Mrs. Nancy's door.. and wait.. and wait.. only to discover it was NOT 7:45, but 8:45 we were to meet. Well, poodle.
I headed over to our church to crash the mens' prayer breakfast in order to relieve Pitts with kid assistance. I got Kyns started with a craft, and rocked Luke to sleep. Grabbed a doughnut (cue waistline expansion) and dashed back to Mrs. Nancy's only to now be 5 minutes late. Well, poodle.
The luncheon was at Great Bridge Baptist in Va. Beach. The church is beautiful, a newer building with exposed beams in the steeple and elaborate stained glass. I love church sanctuaries, and typical always spy them out when I have occasion.
The topic of the luncheon was 2 Cor. Chapter 2 verse 15a- "For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ" KJV.
(side note- I LOVE the NLT version of this verse, although I do not typically LOVE the NLT- " Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and by those who are perishing " Good huh? The second part wasn't as discussed at the luncheon- But I love that translation)
It was an awesome time with a lot of awesome ladies. I still have the 'little girl' syndrome-- I feel as young and ignorant in that company as anywhere, but it is so good for me to be with these ladies, that I take it in passing. I am a little crazy I think- but it smelled WONDERFUL in the room we had the luncheon. No one but me smelled it but I could make out a fresh gardenia scent.. funny how the Holy Spirit works.
(or Glade)
The luncheon was from 10-4 and I had some of the world's BEST chicken salad- which I do not particularly LOVE, but it was awesome. (Cue waistline expansion) and of course, I had one too many no bake cookies. After, since I was free- I knocked out the grocery shopping (2 trips in one day!) in 35 minutes! Which is amazing, since I am used to having two kids with me. Feeling especially proud- I headed home to my babies and awesome husband who had dinner ready. (Cue waistline expansion)
Sunday was a pretty good day, also. We always spend all day at church- just because of the lunch and the travel time.. no need to go home for 30 minutes. It was a good day- Kyns and I played a few riveting rounds of connect 4 and entertained Luke before some of the youth girls came back around, then Kyns ditched me for jewelry making and the like. Allie is the girl she was hanging out with. And I am always comfortable with that- Allie is an amazing girl, definitely the type of teenager I don't mind Kynsi looking up to. Kimmy is another girl Kyns loves, and she is equally awesome.
Luke took a pretty long nap- so I hooked the nursery monitor up so I could Choir practice. I love Choir. Although I am not much of a singer, that is one of those activities that looks good on a preacher's wife's repertoire, and as thoroughly as I enjoy it, it is a welcome addition. ( I have few activities that qualify- But the ones I am working on are: Public Prayer, Teaching Sunday School for Children, Baking, and Casserole Making (particularly for the bereaved) and Piano Playing) and that was a great Sunday. It concluded with a late brinner. Breakfast/ Dinner Combo. French Toast, yum.. and all together now..(Cue waistline expansion).
Good, good weekend.
I ordered our t shirts yesterday for the Susan G walk Saturday. I am pretty excited about it. It is a 5k.. which isn't the 10 miles Katie and I thought it was. Thank Goodness. It is 3.1. Phew. That is all I really did yesterday.. No laundry..which is what I really should have gotten done. And I'll have another reprieve this evening. Monthly church ladies' meeting. Good times.
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